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Public Functions

std::vector< capture_format_t > supported_formats()
void stop_capturing()
void start_capturing()
void start()
Start the configured device.
void shutdown(void )
shutdown camera
bool set_v4l_parameter(const std::string & param, int value)
bool set_v4l_parameter(const std::string & param, const std::string & value)
bool set_pixel_format(const formats::format_arguments_t & args)
Check if the given format is supported by this device If it is supported, set the m_pixel_format variable to it.
std::shared_ptr< pixel_format_base > set_pixel_format(const parameters_t & parameters)
Set pixel format from parameter list. Required to have logic within UsbCam object in case pixel format class requires additional information for conversion function (e.g. number of pixels, width, height, etc.)
bool set_auto_focus(int value)
unsigned int number_of_buffers()
bool is_capturing()
std::vector< capture_format_t > get_supported_formats()
std::shared_ptr< pixel_format_base > get_pixel_format()
usb_cam::utils::io_method_t get_io_method()
size_t get_image_width()
timespec get_image_timestamp()
unsigned int get_image_step()
Get number of bytes per line in image.
size_t get_image_size_in_pixels()
size_t get_image_size_in_bytes()
size_t get_image_height()
char * get_image()
Take a new image with device and return it To copy the returned image to another format: sensor_msgs::msg::Image image_msg; auto new_image = get_image(); * height); memcpy(&[0], new_image->frame.base,;.
void get_image(char * destination)
Overload of get_image to allow users to pass in an image pointer to fill in.
int get_fd()
time_t get_epoch_time_shift_us()
std::string get_device_name()
std::shared_ptr< usb_cam::utils::buffer[]> get_buffers()
AVDictionary * get_avoptions()
AVFrame * get_avframe()
AVCodecContext * get_avcodec_context()
AVCodec * get_avcodec()
void configure(parameters_t & parameters, const io_method_t & io_method)
Configure device, should be called before start.

Public Functions Documentation

function ~UsbCam


function supported_formats

inline std::vector< capture_format_t > supported_formats()

function stop_capturing

void stop_capturing()

function start_capturing

void start_capturing()

function start

void start()

Start the configured device.

function shutdown

void shutdown(

shutdown camera

function set_v4l_parameter

bool set_v4l_parameter(
    const std::string & param,
    int value

function set_v4l_parameter

bool set_v4l_parameter(
    const std::string & param,
    const std::string & value

function set_pixel_format

inline bool set_pixel_format(
    const formats::format_arguments_t & args

Check if the given format is supported by this device If it is supported, set the m_pixel_format variable to it.


  • format the format to check if it is supported

Return: bool true if the given format is supported, false otherwise

function set_pixel_format

inline std::shared_ptr< pixel_format_base > set_pixel_format(
    const parameters_t & parameters

Set pixel format from parameter list. Required to have logic within UsbCam object in case pixel format class requires additional information for conversion function (e.g. number of pixels, width, height, etc.)


  • parameters list of parameters from which the pixel format is to be set

Return: pixel format structure corresponding to a given name

function set_auto_focus

bool set_auto_focus(
    int value

function number_of_buffers

inline unsigned int number_of_buffers()

function is_capturing

inline bool is_capturing()

function get_supported_formats

std::vector< capture_format_t > get_supported_formats()

function get_pixel_format

inline std::shared_ptr< pixel_format_base > get_pixel_format()

function get_io_method

inline usb_cam::utils::io_method_t get_io_method()

function get_image_width

inline size_t get_image_width()

function get_image_timestamp

inline timespec get_image_timestamp()

function get_image_step

inline unsigned int get_image_step()

Get number of bytes per line in image.

Return: number of bytes per line in image

function get_image_size_in_pixels

inline size_t get_image_size_in_pixels()

function get_image_size_in_bytes

inline size_t get_image_size_in_bytes()

function get_image_height

inline size_t get_image_height()

function get_image

char * get_image()

Take a new image with device and return it To copy the returned image to another format: sensor_msgs::msg::Image image_msg; auto new_image = get_image(); * height); memcpy(&[0], new_image->frame.base,;.

function get_image

void get_image(
    char * destination

Overload of get_image to allow users to pass in an image pointer to fill in.

function get_fd

inline int get_fd()

function get_epoch_time_shift_us

inline time_t get_epoch_time_shift_us()

function get_device_name

inline std::string get_device_name()

function get_buffers

inline std::shared_ptr< usb_cam::utils::buffer[]> get_buffers()

function get_avoptions

inline AVDictionary * get_avoptions()

function get_avframe

inline AVFrame * get_avframe()

function get_avcodec_context

inline AVCodecContext * get_avcodec_context()

function get_avcodec

inline AVCodec * get_avcodec()

function configure

void configure(
    parameters_t & parameters,
    const io_method_t & io_method

Configure device, should be called before start.

function UsbCam


Updated on 2025-01-25 at 19:45:14 +0000